Author Archives: filibertomclean2635

How To Triples Your Traffic Easily

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Hey I have a special free plugin for you today. It’s called Covert Hover Mini and you can download it here:-

This plugin will triple your blog traffic by compelling your visitors to share your images on social media. This is some really clever stuff and it works like a charm.

After you grab your free plugin, don’t forget to read the free bonus report as it will show exactly how and why this strategy works like crazy. The report features 5 power tips for dominating social media and generating massive amounts of viral traffic.

On top of that you will also receive A free copy of the Covert Hover Mini plugin so you can easily take action on these power tips.

Plus an exclusive sneak peak at a very exciting new WordPress plugin that is about to rock the marketing world. I highly recommend that you grab your free downloads today

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Hey I have a special free plugin for you today. It’s called Covert Hover Mini and you can download it here:-

Tee Advantage Free Download & Bonus

Tee Advantage Free Download & Bonus:-

Discover How I Sold Over $1,000,000 Worth Of Tee Shirts On Facebook…

Adrian Morrison introduces you to his Tee Advantage Review program. This is a formula he’s been using for years to have massive success selling simple T-Shirts on Facebook. Click the link above and get his top tips FREE.

Subscribe to our channel to get VIP Access Pass for each product launch.

Share this video to your family and love ones.

Tee Advantage Free Download & Bonus:-

Tee Advantage Free Download & Bonus:-
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Tips Temuduga Latihan Separa Perubatan U29

Bagi anda yang baru pertama kali dipanggil ke sesi temuduga terutamanya temuduga untuk kemasukan Latihan Separa Perubatan, pasti anda tertanya-tanya bagaimanakah perjalanan temuduga tersebut. Sebagai langkah persediaan, kami akan kongsikan tips menghadapi temuduga Latihan Separa Perubatan untuk anda. Ianya ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman sebenar calon-calon yang pernah hadir temuduga Latihan Separa Perubatan baru-baru ini.

Perlu anda ingat bahasa tips menghadapi temuduga Latihan Separa Perubatan ini hanya boleh dijadikan panduan asas sahaja. Maklumat sebenar bergantung kepada panel yang bakal menyoal anda. Oleh itu jadikan maklumat ini sebagai asas persediaan temuduga Latihan Separa Perubatan yang bakal anda hadapi.

1. Masuk ke dalam bilik temuduga dengan meminta izin dari panel penemuduga. Usah masuk tanpa meminta izin atau mengetuk pintu dahulu. Ini adalah cerminan disiplin anda yang perlukan izin dari mereka yang mempunyai jawatan yang lebih tinggi dari anda.

2. Selepas diizinkan masuk, hulurkan resume dan dokumen yang berkaitan dengan kedua belah tangan. Usah beri sebelah tangan kerana anda kelihatan seperti tidak bersungguh-sungguh untuk ditemuduga.

3. Jalan mengundur ke arah kerusi dan minta izin sebelum duduk. Usah duduk sebelum diizinkan. Duduk dalam keadaan menegak sambil menghadap panel. Jangan silang kaki kerana akan kelihatan seperti tidak sopan.

4. Perkenalkan diri dan latar belakang akademik. Gunakan bahasa yang mudah difahami. Cakap dengan lantang dan bertenaga.

5. Mengapa anda pilih bidang Latihan Separa Perubatan? Jawapan yang diperlukan ialah bergantung pada bidang latihan yang anda pilih. Rujuk laman ini untuk mendapatkan nota pantas temuduga Latihan Separa Perubatan

6. Anda akan disoal mengenai beberapa istilah yang berkaitan dengan Latihan Separa Perubatan contohnya body mechanism. Pilih satu tajuk yang mudah dihuraikan seperti blood clotting atau digestive system. Maklumat ini anda boleh cari di internet.

7. Anda akan diberikan beraneka jenis soalan termasuk soalan yang melibatkan situasi sebagai penjawat awam di Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Contohnya, anda mempunyai masalahdi rumah, dengan keluarga, suami atau anak-anak kemudian di tempat kerja berhadapan pula dengan pelbagai ragam pesakit, bagaimana anda menjalankan tugas bila menghadapi situasi berkenaan?

8. Soalan-soalan yang melibatkan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia seperti nama Menteri Kesihatan dan nama-nama individu yang berada dalam organisasi tersebut.

9. Semasa menjawab soalan, elakkan daripada memberikan respon seperti tidak tahu, kurang pasti atau rasa-rasanya. Berikan jawapan sebaik yang boleh. Rujuk kepada fakta yang sahih.

10. Percakapan anda mestilah selari dengan gerakan tangan. Usah bergerak secara berlebih-lebihan. Ingat bahawa tindak-tanduk anda sedang dinilai.

Kesimpulannya, hadir ke temuduga Latihan Separa Perubatan adalah satu kejayaan kerana anda telah berjaya melepasi tapisan di peringkat awal.

Oleh itu anda perlu menghargai sesi temuduga tersebut dengan membuat persediaan awal. Untuk melengkapkan persediaan temuduga Latihan Separa Perubatan anda, Download Panduan Ini supaya anda tidak terkapai-kapai semasa menjawab soalan temuduga nanti.

– TIM Infokerjaya




Cara Mudah Dapat Duit Google Adsense

Duit Google Adsense

Manusia terbaik akan berusaha mahu berubah. Berubah ke arah semakin kaya, berjaya & penderma. Tak boleh duduk menanti takdir je. Duit mesti dicari, rezeki mesti digali. Salah satu cara paling menguntungkan buat duit online adalah buat duit dalam USD. Komisen dari USD apabila ditukar ke dalam RM, akan menjadi 3 – 4 kali ganda LEBIH BANYAK.

Teknik Cara Mudah Dapat Duit Google Adsense ini, walaupun anda tak ada skill menjual,langsung TAK MUSTAHIL nak buat duit USD. Disamping itu, teknik ini:-

  • Bukan skim cepat kaya.
  • Cuma perlu tahu download dan upload.
  • Guna laptop atau komputer je.
  • Tak perlu jumpa pelanggan.


“SYUKUR sangat! Senang je kan?”

Kenapa saya kata begitu?
Sebabnya salah seorang kenalan saya, saudara Rashvin sudi membantu anda jana wang dalam USD. Student beliau pun dah berjaya buat puluhan hingga ratusan dollar. Kalau dah terbukti berjaya, kenapa anda pula tak boleh berjaya? Jika anda sedia fokus dan serius buat duit USD, saya sangat-sangat cadangkan saudara Rashvin. Ramai dah berpuas hati dengan bimbingan step by step beliau.

Sebenarnya, saya dulu pun tak percaya dengan program buat duit online ni. Tapi setelah saya sendiri melihat bagaimana rakan saya, Rashvin berjaya buat US$ 1,500 hanya dengan Youtube, saya akhirnya membuka mata saya. Tak sangka masih ada rakyat Malaysia boleh jana wang online USD begini. Rupa-rupanya betullah kisah budak berusia 8 tahun dari luar negara yang berjaya hasilkan jutaan dollar dalam masa beberapa tahun sahaja – hanya dengan memanfaatkan Duit Google Adsense dari Youtube!

Youtube sebenarnya memang menyediakan ruang pengiklanan. Jadi mana-mana syarikat besar yang nak beriklan, mereka perlu bayar kepada DUA pihak:-

Pertama, mereka kena bayar Youtube. Kedua, sebahagian duit mereka akan masuk ke akaun pemilik akaun Youtube. Siapa pemilik akaun Youtube?

Kitalah! 🙂

Macam mana nak pastikan kita menjadi salah seorang yang menerima cek atau komisen terus ke akaun bank anda dari Youtube? Yang itu, anda kena belajar melalui Teknik Cara Mudah Dapat Duit Google Adsense ini.

Tapi, saya tak sarankan anda belajar dari ebook panduan. Sebab saya sendiri lihat ramai tersungkur GAGAL tak dapat buat duit dek ebook yang terlalu TEORI. Oleh itu, saya sangat-sangat sarankan anda belajar melalui ‘personal coaching’. Jika anda tanya kenapa saudara Rashvin tidak menjual ebook, jawapannya adalah:

Ebook TIDAK membantu rakyat Malaysia buat duit. Ramai pembeli akan terkapai-kapai tanpa bimbingan.

Buat apa beli ebook jika ianya ebook ‘teori semata’ atau ianya teknik buat duit yang susah nak diikut? Cara Mudah Dapat Duit Google Adsense ni lagi MUDAH. Oleh sebab itulah, beliau menyediakan sesi ‘personal coaching’ hanya kepada mereka yang benar-benar SERIUS buat duit dalam USD dengan Youtube.

‘Personal coaching Duit Google Adsense’ tu camne?

Begini. Anda akan dibimbing secara peribadi, anda boleh tanya apa saja kepada sifu anda, anda dibantu dari A hingga Z dan anda buat duit USD sebijik macam yang saudara Rashvin berjaya buat. Jadi anda tidak akan membuat kesilapan-kesilapan seperti ini (sila tonton video di bawah).


Tapi AWAS!

Teknik buat duit Youtube ini bukan untuk mereka yang nak goyang kaki tunggu duit. Anda masih perlu berusaha. Tapi usaha yang ‘smart’ la. BUKAN work had, tapi ‘work smart’.

  1. TAK Perlu Cari Orang.
  2. TAK Perlu Jual Barang.
  3. TAK Perlu Join MLM / Skim Cepat Miskin.

Yang perlu, adalah kesungguhan. Anak murid beliau dah ramai berjaya buat puluhan dollar sebulan. Nah ini testimoni-testimoni dari student beliau…

Anda bila lagi?



Credit to:

Cara Mudah Dapat Duit Google Adsense

Duit Google Adsense

Manusia terbaik akan berusaha mahu berubah. Berubah ke arah semakin kaya, berjaya & penderma. Tak boleh duduk menanti takdir je. Duit mesti dicari, rezeki mesti digali. Salah satu cara paling menguntungkan buat duit online adalah buat duit dalam USD. Komisen dari USD apabila ditukar ke dalam RM, akan menjadi 3 – 4 kali ganda LEBIH BANYAK.

Teknik Cara Mudah Dapat Duit Google Adsense ini, walaupun anda tak ada skill menjual,langsung TAK MUSTAHIL nak buat duit USD. Disamping itu, teknik ini:-

  • Bukan skim cepat kaya.
  • Cuma perlu tahu download dan upload.
  • Guna laptop atau komputer je.
  • Tak perlu jumpa pelanggan.


“SYUKUR sangat! Senang je kan?”

Kenapa saya kata begitu?
Sebabnya salah seorang kenalan saya, saudara Rashvin sudi membantu anda jana wang dalam USD. Student beliau pun dah berjaya buat puluhan hingga ratusan dollar. Kalau dah terbukti berjaya, kenapa anda pula tak boleh berjaya? Jika anda sedia fokus dan serius buat duit USD, saya sangat-sangat cadangkan saudara Rashvin. Ramai dah berpuas hati dengan bimbingan step by step beliau.

Sebenarnya, saya dulu pun tak percaya dengan program buat duit online ni. Tapi setelah saya sendiri melihat bagaimana rakan saya, Rashvin berjaya buat US$ 1,500 hanya dengan Youtube, saya akhirnya membuka mata saya. Tak sangka masih ada rakyat Malaysia boleh jana wang online USD begini. Rupa-rupanya betullah kisah budak berusia 8 tahun dari luar negara yang berjaya hasilkan jutaan dollar dalam masa beberapa tahun sahaja – hanya dengan memanfaatkan Duit Google Adsense dari Youtube!

Youtube sebenarnya memang menyediakan ruang pengiklanan. Jadi mana-mana syarikat besar yang nak beriklan, mereka perlu bayar kepada DUA pihak:-

Pertama, mereka kena bayar Youtube. Kedua, sebahagian duit mereka akan masuk ke akaun pemilik akaun Youtube. Siapa pemilik akaun Youtube?

Kitalah! 🙂

Macam mana nak pastikan kita menjadi salah seorang yang menerima cek atau komisen terus ke akaun bank anda dari Youtube? Yang itu, anda kena belajar melalui Teknik Cara Mudah Dapat Duit Google Adsense ini.

Tapi, saya tak sarankan anda belajar dari ebook panduan. Sebab saya sendiri lihat ramai tersungkur GAGAL tak dapat buat duit dek ebook yang terlalu TEORI. Oleh itu, saya sangat-sangat sarankan anda belajar melalui ‘personal coaching’. Jika anda tanya kenapa saudara Rashvin tidak menjual ebook, jawapannya adalah:

Ebook TIDAK membantu rakyat Malaysia buat duit. Ramai pembeli akan terkapai-kapai tanpa bimbingan.

Buat apa beli ebook jika ianya ebook ‘teori semata’ atau ianya teknik buat duit yang susah nak diikut? Cara Mudah Dapat Duit Google Adsense ni lagi MUDAH. Oleh sebab itulah, beliau menyediakan sesi ‘personal coaching’ hanya kepada mereka yang benar-benar SERIUS buat duit dalam USD dengan Youtube.

‘Personal coaching Duit Google Adsense’ tu camne?

Begini. Anda akan dibimbing secara peribadi, anda boleh tanya apa saja kepada sifu anda, anda dibantu dari A hingga Z dan anda buat duit USD sebijik macam yang saudara Rashvin berjaya buat. Jadi anda tidak akan membuat kesilapan-kesilapan seperti ini (sila tonton video di bawah).


Tapi AWAS!

Teknik buat duit Youtube ini bukan untuk mereka yang nak goyang kaki tunggu duit. Anda masih perlu berusaha. Tapi usaha yang ‘smart’ la. BUKAN work had, tapi ‘work smart’.

  1. TAK Perlu Cari Orang.
  2. TAK Perlu Jual Barang.
  3. TAK Perlu Join MLM / Skim Cepat Miskin.

Yang perlu, adalah kesungguhan. Anak murid beliau dah ramai berjaya buat puluhan dollar sebulan. Nah ini testimoni-testimoni dari student beliau…

Anda bila lagi?



Credit to:

Contoh Soalan Latihan Separa Perubatan U29

Contoh Soalan Latihan Separa Perubatan U29 – Jawapan Sebenar Buat Calon Separa Perubatan Peringkat Diploma

Bagi calon yang komited ingin LULUS dalam seisi peperiksaan khas & temuduga latihan separa perubatan peringkat diploma U29 yang bakal bermula pada 8 April (untuk calon Sabah) / 15 April (calon Semenanjung Malaysia), disarankan memiliki pakej rujukan latihan separa perubatan ini. Tak kira apa jua bidang latihan separa perubatan yang ditawarkan kepada calon. Ya! Tak kira bidang latihan yang mana pun.
Ini kerana modul-modul di dalam pakej tersebut telah ‘disusun’ dengan informasi penting meliputi kesemua 10 bidang latihan peringkat diploma yang ditawarkan iaitu jururawat, penolong pegawai perubatan, juruteknologi makmal, jururawat pergigian, juruteknologi pergigian, penolong pegawai kesihatan persekitaran, penolong pegawai farmasi, juru X-Ray, jurupulih anggota & jurupulih cara kerja.

Berikut adalah kandungan modul untuk Pakej RM 40.00 :

Modul 1 : Pengenalan Latihan Separa Perubatan
Modul 2 : Prospek Kerjaya Pelatih Separa Perubatan Peringkat Diploma U29
Modul 3 : Format Peperiksaan & Temuduga Latihan Separa Perubatan Peringkat Diploma U29
Modul 4 : Koleksi Contoh Soalan Peperiksaan Ujian Sahsiah & Minat Separa Perubatan U29
Modul 5 : Teknik Menjawab Soalan Peperiksaan Latihan Separa Perubatan

Menurut salah seorang panel penemuduga, terdapat 3 sebab yang mendorong ke arah KEGAGALAN dalam peperiksaan khas & temuduga latihan separa perubatan..

• Menggunakan nasib – Jika lulus, maka lulus. Jika gagal, apa boleh buat.
• Tidak berusaha – Tidak melakukan kajian tentang keperluan peperiksaan.
• Tidak mempunyai ilmu / panduan yang betul – Majoriti yang gagal dalam peperiksaan ini tidak mempunyai panduan yang betul, bagi menjawab kehendak soalan.

Saingan untuk merebut tempat sebagai pelatih separa perubatan AMATLAH SENGIT. Anda boleh rujuk statistik berkaitan pengambilan pelatih latihan separa perubatan 2011 yang diperolehi dari SPA :
Pada 2011, sejumlah 708,236 permohonan untuk mengikuti latihan separa perubatan peringkat sijil & diploma. Namun hanya 9,693 calon sahaja yang berjaya mendapat tawaran mengikuti latihan.
Berdasarkan statistik 2011 ini juga, sejumlah 512,436 permohonan untuk latihan separa perubatan peringkat diploma & jumlah calon yang ditemuduga adalah 17,436. Calon yang berjaya melepasi saringan terakhir untuk ditawarkan tempat untuk latihan separa perubatan peringkat diploma berjumlah 6,759. Lebih 10,000 calon GAGAL dalam seisi temuduga bagi latihan separa perubatan peringkat diploma pada tahun 2011!

Oleh itu, anda perlu benar-benar bersedia agar anda mampu bersaing & menjadi CALON PILIHAN panel penemuduga berbanding calon-calon lain bagi merebut kekosongan yang terdapat untuk program Latihan Separa Perubatan.

KLIK Sini Untuk Miliki Pakej Rujukan Latihan Separa Perubatan U29 SEKARANG!
Dan mulakan persediaan efektif HARI INI untuk tampil dengan prestasi terbaik semasa seisi exam & temuduga separa perubatan.

Yaakub Businessman Cat Kereta Murah

Nama saya Md Yaakub.

Untuk tahun 2014 saya buat promosi cat kereta diskaun sebanyak 50% kepada anda yang inginkan kereta nampak cantik berseri.

Harga diskaun ini hanya boleh diberikan apabila anda berikan PASSWORD kepada saya.

Jika tidak ada PASSWORD, anda takkan dapat harga murah.


Okeh jika berminat, anda boleh telefon saya di talian ini:-

016-90 33324

Untuk tahun 2014 saya buat promosi cat kereta diskaun sebanyak 50% kepada anda yang inginkan kereta nampak cantik berseri.

Home Nursing Services by Khami Solutions

Nurses are the most trusted profession in Malaysia, the public see nurses as individuals who are trust worthy caring and there to assist them in times of have to have. Khami Solutions ( has an vital role to play in the management of older folks who want to stay independent and living at residence. Quite a few house nursing services are offered as mobile nurse service to increase access to excellent nursing solutions for the elderly.

Khami Solutions tends to make accessing a nurse much easier for the frail elderly client or disabled particular person, these persons are normally disadvantaged men and women within our community and have limited access to transport and transport services and require services that are flexible and straightforward to access. These people rely heavily on public transport, taxis and careers to drive them to appointments and to attend to community activities of day-to-day living. Dwelling nursing service tends to make it easier for them to access excellent well being care help and assistance in the comfort of their personal property.

Property nursing in Malaysia is normally the support service that is able to supply the essential knowledge and support that is required to help the frail elderly to stay at property safely avoiding the want for placement into residential aged care. Malaysia dwelling nursing services operates holistically by addressing the care demands of the elderly person in a way that addresses the total care needs and offered that the community nurse Malaysia will have limitations in know-how in places the nurse has the capabilities and understanding to know and how to access other allied health care providers to become involved in the persons care, guaranteeing the person has access to top quality care that addresses all overall health care needs in a timely, effective and price helpful manner.

Khami Solutions is frequently involved in case management activities and will liaise with health care team members to assure high-quality outcomes for the elderly individual. Khami Solutions is often needed to advocate on behalf of the client and will engage this role to make certain the elderly person has a voice to make certain their care demands are meet and safely needs addressed. Advocacy is a role the neighborhood nurse Malaysia may perhaps develop into involved in and Khami Solutions considers all the expert requirements of such a function making certain that skilled boundarys are maintained at all instances.

It is a significant fear for all of us as we age that we may loose our freedom to choose exactly where we live, in my knowledge the quantity one worry of most consumers I have worked with is placement in a residential care facility. The mobile nursing is an crucial community resource to assist the older person who wishes to remain independent, safety is constantly of greatest significance to the residence nursing services by Khami Solutions. You can be assured that the property nursing services by Khami Solutions will give a comprehensive assessment of the persons potential to function independently and handle activities of everyday living, just before developing a care strategy to address care desires.

Khami Solutions will present a comprehensive assessment of the persons capacity to function independently and handle activities of every day living, before building a care plan to address care desires. Visit: home nursing and medicare for more info.

gibson j 45 guitar

The J-45 is one of Gibson’s best-selling acoustics of all time. Nicknamed “The Workhorse” and first introduced in 1942, this popular acoustic is now the icon of its round-shoulder, dreadnought line. World renowned for its full, balanced expression, warm bass and excellent projection, the J-45 is one of most technically advanced guitars of its time.

Each guitar includes a black hardshell case with plush-lined interior, owner’s manual, Gibson’s Gold Warranty and Gibson’s 24/7/365 Customer Service.

The Gibson J-45 is an acoustic guitar model manufactured by the Gibson Guitar Corporation. It is part of Gibson’s round-shoulder, dreadnought acoustic “jumbo” line, begun in 1934 with the Gibson Jumbo Flattop which was to compete with C.F. Martin & Company’s “D” line.

The J-45 is generally regarded as Gibson’s most famous and widely used acoustic guitar model. Introduced in 1942 with a list price of $45, it was conceived as a replacement for the earlier J-35 model, which was an inexpensive, Great Depression-era flattop guitar. The J-45 initially only varied slightly from the discontinued J-35. Some of the changes were internal, such as strengthened bracing, while exterior changes included the new teardrop shaped pickguard, and a headstock decal with the Gibson logo replacing the old stark white ‘Gibson’ silk-screen logo of the thirties, and the slogan “Only a Gibson Is Good Enough.” The J-45 also had a more rounded, “baseball bat” style neck, as opposed to the “V” shape of the J-35 neck. Introduced during World War II, the J-45 standardized Gibson’s approach to the dreadnought guitar. The J-45 produced by Gibson today is substantially similar to the 1942 model.

Cosmetically, the J-45 was understated, intended as a durable no-frills “workhorse guitar” (its nickname given by the manufacturer). The binding was simple, the soundhole ring was austere, and the neck sported modest dot-shaped mother of pearl fretboard position markers. Gibson typically used the sunburst finish to cover up imperfections in the wood used on instruments, since it made the majority of the top of the guitar black. The J-45 was constructed of solid (as opposed to laminated) spruce wood for the top, while solid mahogany was used for the back and sides. In the intervening years though, the Gibson sunburst has become iconic to the degree that collectors prefer the J-45 to the higher end J-50s of the same era. Apart from a small batch of natural-finish J-45s produced in 1942, the model was offered only in the sunburst finish. The J-45 is known for its warm bass sound and good projection, as well as outstanding playability.

In 1947 Gibson officially introduced the J-50 guitar, essentially a natural-finish J-45, though in 1942 already Gibson shipped a handful of J-50 guitars. One difference between the two is the top, which is triple-bound in the J-50 instead of single-bound; however, Gibson also made some early J-45s with a triple-bound top. As mentioned, the sunburst finish was useful in hiding flaws in the wood. The J-50 wasn’t introduced until after World War II. Decent wood supplies were easier to come by, so Gibson didn’t need to resort to using imperfect wood on all its instruments. This better quality wood justified the production of the natural-finish J-50, as there were very few flaws which needed to be covered up by a sunburst finish. Gibson did continue to produce the sunburst J-45, however, and it is still an important part of Gibson’s production line today.

Are you currently seeking far more on Gibson Guitars? Pay a visit to Michal R. Gill’s blogging site now and obtain a lot more information on 2010 gibson j-45

gibson j-45 deluxe 1973

The J-45 is one of Gibson’s best-selling acoustics of all time. Nicknamed “The Workhorse” and first introduced in 1942, this popular acoustic is now the icon of its round-shoulder, dreadnought line. World renowned for its full, balanced expression, warm bass and excellent projection, the J-45 is one of most technically advanced guitars of its time.

Each guitar includes a black hardshell case with plush-lined interior, owner’s manual, Gibson’s Gold Warranty and Gibson’s 24/7/365 Customer Service.

The Gibson J-45 is an acoustic guitar model manufactured by the Gibson Guitar Corporation. It is part of Gibson’s round-shoulder, dreadnought acoustic “jumbo” line, begun in 1934 with the Gibson Jumbo Flattop which was to compete with C.F. Martin & Company’s “D” line.

The J-45 is generally regarded as Gibson’s most famous and widely used acoustic guitar model. Introduced in 1942 with a list price of $45, it was conceived as a replacement for the earlier J-35 model, which was an inexpensive, Great Depression-era flattop guitar. The J-45 initially only varied slightly from the discontinued J-35. Some of the changes were internal, such as strengthened bracing, while exterior changes included the new teardrop shaped pickguard, and a headstock decal with the Gibson logo replacing the old stark white ‘Gibson’ silk-screen logo of the thirties, and the slogan “Only a Gibson Is Good Enough.” The J-45 also had a more rounded, “baseball bat” style neck, as opposed to the “V” shape of the J-35 neck. Introduced during World War II, the J-45 standardized Gibson’s approach to the dreadnought guitar. The J-45 produced by Gibson today is substantially similar to the 1942 model.

Cosmetically, the J-45 was understated, intended as a durable no-frills “workhorse guitar” (its nickname given by the manufacturer). The binding was simple, the soundhole ring was austere, and the neck sported modest dot-shaped mother of pearl fretboard position markers. Gibson typically used the sunburst finish to cover up imperfections in the wood used on instruments, since it made the majority of the top of the guitar black. The J-45 was constructed of solid (as opposed to laminated) spruce wood for the top, while solid mahogany was used for the back and sides. In the intervening years though, the Gibson sunburst has become iconic to the degree that collectors prefer the J-45 to the higher end J-50s of the same era. Apart from a small batch of natural-finish J-45s produced in 1942, the model was offered only in the sunburst finish. The J-45 is known for its warm bass sound and good projection, as well as outstanding playability.

In 1947 Gibson officially introduced the J-50 guitar, essentially a natural-finish J-45, though in 1942 already Gibson shipped a handful of J-50 guitars. One difference between the two is the top, which is triple-bound in the J-50 instead of single-bound; however, Gibson also made some early J-45s with a triple-bound top. As mentioned, the sunburst finish was useful in hiding flaws in the wood. The J-50 wasn’t introduced until after World War II. Decent wood supplies were easier to come by, so Gibson didn’t need to resort to using imperfect wood on all its instruments. This better quality wood justified the production of the natural-finish J-50, as there were very few flaws which needed to be covered up by a sunburst finish. Gibson did continue to produce the sunburst J-45, however, and it is still an important part of Gibson’s production line today.

Do you think you’re interested in additional on Gibson Guitars? Go to Robby Q. Fischer’s blogging site right now and obtain much more information and facts on gibson j 45 te koop
straight away.